Your life began the day it nearly ended

With this beautiful sentence I finished the previous article, and it gave me a starting point for this.
Your life began the day it almost ended … the sentence is not mine but it takes its cue from the Marvel world and above all from the Avengers. (which in fact are my favorites). ps I do not allow myself to make the link because there is no one nowadays does not know what the Marvel universe is, nor does he know who the Avengers are. If a reader is ignorant, please read up independently.
The sentence in question made me think, just a little without being heavy or petulant, but every now and then a little healthy reflection is always good.
In a fantasy world where you have an accident (doctor Strange) or decide to participate in a program to create the best soldier (Captain America) … and I could continue with the various avengers, in short, in that world there, the day in which your life almost ends is a day that then turns you into a super hero …. that is, I challenge you to say that that is not a day when you change and your life begins.
I would like to see. Like here in the real world there is the day when you hit 6 in the lottery and win millions. I believe that your life begins them (money is not everything but it helps … says one who has spent it all on medicines!).
In short, I am in the real world … I have had a terrible headache for two years, no one understands anything … they tell me that I have to operate on a bone the mastoid (of which I did not know the existence) that I have behind the ear because it all started from there, they have to open and see.
They see and open … but then I go deaf on the right. Because mine was and is a splendid meningitis on an autoimmune basis. In short, who gets meningitis (there are many types) that doctors recognize and that maybe it is bacterial .. and then to me, who instead made me develop my crazy immune system.
As a day of near-end to say that we could put it when I lost my hearing, when I became deaf just (because that was a good blow to endure … maybe more than the pain in the head that I always had and that paralyzed me in a bed ).
Now from that day my life started ??? well … the sure one has changed. I was silent for almost two months, and then put the implant.
The sordamaldestra has begun, the blog has begun. I had to start a new life in London (and I started it late). The change was so radical for me that I will never be the person I was before. I’ll always be the one laughing, making jokes so as not to take myself too seriously.
The day my life almost ended I didn’t notice anything, because I was too busy thinking, knowing who I was, what really happened … looking at myself from the outside, and thinking that those things don’t happened to me.
After I realized I could go on. that that day was not my undoing but I could transform it into a positive change (for now I see very little positive … but I have faith).
Today I know that that day began the life of the sordamladestra, who is still trying to figure out how to move in a very strange world and not very suitable for the deaf … but I have a bionic ear.
A little piece to start super powers