World deaf day

Today should be World Deaf Day. I use the conditional because I always get these things wrong, that is, the days… That is, World Day of the Deaf could very well have been yesterday. I always arrive on time at these things, sordamaldestra for a reason I will be.
Social media has flooded me with videos, reels and other stuff about the deaf, about this day, about sign language, about the cochlear implant, about how we are all beautiful and happy.
Here you don’t believe it. But not at all. I went deaf, and I certainly wasn’t happy about it. I wasn’t happy with the cochlear implant, I’m not happy not hearing music, not being able to have a decent conversation on the phone (when a deaf person says they hear music I’m very doubtful and I don’t believe it. but this is another story).
Having said this, it’s true, one gets up and moves forward, one lives and learns to live with the new reality, at least I had to adapt to the cochlear implant, therapy, and lip reading (which I also do in English, stuff crazy).
Anyway World Deaf Day… and I’m deaf! It seems strange, but I always forget it, or rather, having been hearing for 40 years, my perception of myself is that of a hearing person. Sign language always creates a bit of discomfort for me, so I prefer the cochlear implant, lip service, subtitles, they are things that are more for me, and in which I feel comfortable.
Well, maybe I could even learn sign language.
Anyway, I came home for a few days, in the sun and in the heat….the climate even makes me forget the thought of being deaf.