Who would have thought

Who would have thought I was moving to London?

Who would have thought that I was going to get married?

But above all, who would have thought that I would go deaf at forty?

But let’s go in order.

This photo is from January 2016, when I took him to London for the birthday of the then boyfriend. A city that left no mark on me … I expected who knows what (especially from the stories of those who had been there). But nothing … my first time in this city was a kind of disappointment. Maybe because I was used to Paris, and I saw London so different … well … Well, in the end, between 2021 and 2022 I’m moving here … and I must say that I always like every day that passes more … and to think that I now live right behind that bridge, on that side of the Thames that I photographed.

Coming to the second question … well, the guy I brought to London I finally married. So I got married several years ago huh … and to think that I finally gave in.

The third point, well … is something I’m still trying to metabolize. I am deaf. Due to this small inconvenience and the health problems resulting from the move that was supposed to be in November 2020, I am still not here in a stable way … I should be able to maybe in this calendar year.

I must say that as my mother always says then “with buts and with oneself you never solve anything”. Therefore, the “Who would have said” must be read in a sordamaldestra and witty key, in an ironic way. So deaf I am and I remain (apart from the implant), married I am and for now that guy is behaving well, I struggle with the thought of a divorce (obviously revealing my lazier side) and in the end we give this city a chance .

Meanwhile, this first week I settled in the neighborhood, I went around the morning for bread at the market, the florist, the antiques market in the square, shopping at the supermarket next door … in short, the small daily chores. The nice thing is that like any big city you have everything available and nobody cares if you are dressed well or in pajamas. I am interested in this aspect more than anything else for the hair … which is growing back, but they are kind of shot and without a verse …

and then how can they find an accommodation with this perennial fog ???? huh ??????

remedy with the wool hat … in the summer I will go to the scarf.