To say only cream is an understatement

From today we seriously start the recovery of the facial skin … these two products to start, together with others …
I like to alternate, because maybe one day the skin needs a nice firming treatment, and the next day it needs to be hydrated …
a bit like the days… .in short, one day you want sweets and cuddles. the next day maybe you wake up with the strength and determination of those who can do it, starting from scratch … or starting with the superga to climb Everest.
the main thing is to fit everything in a perfect way ….
and in fact this is the most difficult thing of all … how do you do it?
because they don’t give us a nice booklet with instructions, or a nice piece of paper that says “how to use “???
I like to think that everything is for something ….
the fact is that I have to understand what I needed to become deaf … well, I was just fine before all this … luckily I have my creams and my treatments.