Jade Roller

This small tool is said to be a jade roller that, when slid on the face, helps to stretch the skin, wrinkles, minimize dark circles (for mine it would take a caterpillar, not a roller) etc etc …
this is the emblem of the bullshit that I I buy… as my husband would say.
when I bought it it seemed like an excellent purchase, then I discovered after it was launched by Guinetta Paltrovv … I bought it because then who knows where I had seen it.
anyway I took it with me to the hospital, to the various hospitalizations … and it was a reason to ciaccola and chat with the nurses … them to ask if it worked … I to show my face … and then I had found the right answer: it relaxes me a lot.
which in the end it was also true … a face massage always relaxes … me who then fell asleep at the hairdresser when washing … not to mention how much I do body treatments.
essere rilassati serve? boh… a volte mi piacerebbe essere come quelle persone che non hanno pensieri, che hanno un carattere mite, che non discutono mai nè urlano…che gli va tutto bene alla prima, che non si ammalano, non perdono l’udito così per sbaglio (tipo ops mi si è rotta un’unghia… ops non ci sento più). ..insomma quelli a cui va tutto bene alla prima…
who knows if these too need the jade roller to relax … in uncertainty, I’ll buy another one …
maybe in Brazilian rose quartz
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[…] phase of my illness and during my hospital stays, I always had my creams with me. I even bought a jade roller (I wrote an article about it) because it was very relaxing, and I needed something to occupy my […]