Let’s make a cut…

Then, not being able yet to go to the hairdresser, I asked my mom to “trim” my hair a little … also because they were (and unfortunately still are) in a pitiful condition.
Starting from the beginning I cannot go to the hairdresser as I have just had a mastoidectomy (they practically made a cut behind my left ear, scratched a little bit of bone, the mastoid, and then cleaned the pachimengi infection) and I have to wash my hair with one specific shampoo (which is not shampoo but disinfectant) every other day.
I can’t brush my hair because I still have the spots and for the same reason I can’t use other cosmetic products, let alone styling brushes. They go dry naturally (fuck it).
Then I prepare for an operation in which they will put cochlear implant on the right, to be able to make me feel again (I chose the color … brown and it seemed to me the one that can easily camouflage with my hair … in fact a silly color) when will I be able to go to the hairdresser for a decent cut or color …
Then let’s put the stress, the medicines including the cortisone I am taking and as my grandmother used to say “the leaves fall, the hair falls”, it is fortunate that she is not bad …
so this morning I told my mom to give her hair a trim… from the “mom, cut split ends” series, so then when I can go to the hairdresser the hair will be back to its length.
Result ???
no it made me a mythical blob! ahahahahah… she also did the scaling! he does not specify as a hairdresser, and then he could not comb his hair …
In reality, even if he did it ugly, it did not change me that much, I always keep my hair up!
however, the new hair, even if done at home, the cut, the sense of change is always valid … perhaps less intense than a more radical change of look .. but always an excellent feeling.
My only thoughts go to my hairdresser, when he sees the cut with his hair finally brushed, and the nervous breakdown, if not the hysterics that will come to him! but I know we’ll laugh at that too.