The sun in London

In the hostile country, in this strange summer, the sun isn’t in fashion. And today, when the sun was out and it was beautiful, I took advantage of it. Lunch break in the park, lying on the grass, coffee, 25 degrees, a gentle breeze. Ideal temperature. Perfect weather.
On days like this, the country doesn’t seem all that hostile. Even though as I returned, a few clouds started to gather already, and the weekend forecast is uncertain.
Last year, that beautiful green lawn was dry. Hyde Park was so striking, it felt like being in the Tuscan Maremma amidst stacks of dry straw.
This morning I did the usual checks, blood tests with Grace, then the sun put me in a good mood, so I thought that maybe spending a little time in the sun wouldn’t hurt me… In short, just half an hour.
For a moment, I closed my eyes, imagining myself on a beautiful beach in the sun, the sound of the sea in the background, the scent of sunscreen, the saltiness, and a distant aroma of grilled fish.
Some voices in the distance, but nothing bothersome. The sun warming me and the idea of getting under the umbrella, it’s already getting hot.
Then I opened my eyes… the green lawn. No background sound of the sea. Actually, being deaf, some background noise that could be a car or a carriage, I don’t perceive any difference. I only notice differences if the noises are very loud. Or if there’s a sudden noise in the silence.
Well, the joys and pains of being deaf.
More than anything, it’s the sun that I couldn’t enjoy due to chemotherapy, and the cortisone. Even now, the treatment is still chemotherapy, but much milder… (no, make it even heavier).
It’s strange how this coffee in the sun has awakened strange memories, not sad ones… just strange.
But then, fundamentally, I am strange, so I shouldn’t be too surprised.
PS: Notice the sickly white of my legs and the pseudo-tan line on my feet. Quite stylish, I must say.