The right direction

To understand which path to choose, you must always have the right direction in mind, in short, set the goal straight.
When you are sick, however, it is not always that easy. Sometimes, indeed several times, you cannot choose what to do because you are stuck in a sick body that no longer “talks” with you. In short, he does his own thing he does not listen to you and if he says he is in pain and not to get you out of bed, well resigned because it is so. You can’t decide because when you are sick you don’t decide, but the medicines, the doctors, and your will is overshadowed by a devious disease, mine also invisible and rare.
I have been waiting for a diagnosis for two years, and when you later discovered that it was an autoimmune meningitis, which no one had seen (or rather some had seen but not considered), which made you deaf, debilitated, made you suffer, caused n. 4 head operations just think about this: “now that I know, I know my enemy, I can resume myself and my right direction”. In fact, as I wrote in an article, I celebrated with a cake and with my family. Now I am full of medicines and cortisone, I am fat that I do not recognize myself .. but I will get back in shape.
Knowing your pain, your pain is a form of liberation. On a mental level it gave me a change, not only to understand what I have and how to deal with it, but also to decide what to do and how to live. I decided to cure myself (in spite of those who told me that I had to quit dairy products to get well and that it was just a matter of rebalancing the bacteria in the intestine or those who had diagnosed me with a super rare disease that is incurable if not with immunosuppressants to life).
I’ve learned to be more selfish about myself, to really care what other people think of me or do. I have to say that I have always tried to be positive, even if it has been really hard at times. Then it’s not over yet, so I’m always suspicious of any slightest change, any slightest pain in the head or neck.
But I found the right direction, mine. I’m going back to doing what I want, my body is following me … or rather slowly it is returning to listen to me.
Excellent thing I would say.