Spring Days

At the beginning of spring, an episode that happened to me several years ago always comes to mind.
A well-known five star hotel had recently opened in Florence and to entice residents or natives to discover the hotel and the internal spa, they had organized the SPRING DAY.
Obviously, I registered by sending an email and two friends also joined. It was a Saturday morning and when entering I asked about the spring day, the very kind staff looked at me from top to bottom … however they showed me the way to the spa which was located in the garden.
I enter and marvel. All the young ladies with bright and splendid faces.
The director welcomes me and after a few questions: “What products do you use for facial cleansing?” answer: soap. Look disgusted.
However, having to wait for my free half-hour facial treatment, she asks me if I want to have a coffee. I turn around and see a huge breakfast table, with juices, coffee, croissants, small pastries, everything… obviously I took almost everything, trying not to appear hungry.
In short, I do the treatment very cool and then there is the Turkish bath, and the gym.
the Turkish bath, let’s forget about the gym (I have set foot in the gym 3 times in my life).
So we do all these things, then shower and go back to the spa where the director gives me a special price for the use of the gym, the spa … in short, she gives me a quote that when she tells me the price per month I feel like I’m dying. Obviously then the outdoor swimming pool to be used in the summer months was excluded but car parking was included.
With class I said I would think about it and let her know. Of course, I sent a courtesy email declining that tempting offer.
Then in the following years they did the spring day but for a fee, then I never went back.
It is a matter of principle.
However, since that time when the beautician told me I had gray skin, I changed soap.