Sordamaldestra on the London Underground

Today ‘s adventure is the result of various trips, mostly done alone, on the London Underground.

Ready Set Go. The sordamaldestra in the subway.

The main starting point is the following: the metro is comfortable, it works, it is punctual, quick and fast. I try to move avoiding rush hours and wear a mask. You can go anywhere in the city, and it’s fun too if you want.

But how are the lines ????

I’m used to the Paris metro, I don’t understand this one here in London at all. First, it seems to me that there are few stops compared to, for example, a line of the Parisian metro. but aside from that, the lines have a life of their own here.

First type of line, for example the Jubilee. Simple, straight, it goes from one point of the city to another with stops. The train just goes back and forth.

Second type of line, example northern line. It is a straight line but at a certain point, halfway through, you can also go to other stops, and then resume the course of the straight line. In short, in the middle the line makes like a nice detour (like a semicircle) and forks. Now if you are on the line that forks to the right, but you had to take the one that goes to the left, you are screwed. Get off and go back. The whole thing then lasts those six / seven stops. A beautiful bifurcation that alone is boring.

Third type of line, example circle line. Which is not an example, because I’ve never seen a line like this. Then it is called a circle but if you combine all the stops the shape looks more like that of a bottle. But here comes the beauty, in the sense that the bottle is not a closed line .. no. Then there is a stop (edgware road) where the line passes in two directions. And yet there you do not understand anything.

Fourth type, district line example. This one is straight, but at some point it has a bifurcation. Part another line goes somewhere else but it is always the district. And also in this case, of course, you must understand your stop on which section of the line it is located. Forks like this are all the rage, see also the Piccadilly line which does the same thing. Perhaps it was cheaper to add a few stops on the side than to make a new line? but it seems unreasonable to me.

I could go on and on, because there are other examples .. but I think the concept is understood enough. I try to avoid the lines that create problems for me, better to take two steps on foot than to go back and forth on a train like an idiot. Not to mention when I make these mistakes and the husband is there, and obviously he takes all the blame, having done nothing, but that’s how it works. So that.

Obviously what I say is very comical and clumsy in doing, typical of myself. without any controversy.

But the most beautiful thing of today was the adventure of the deaf with the voice of the subway. Now not as beautiful and romantic as the lady who goes to hear her late husband’s voice. Poor Margaret goes (I leave the present because I hope the lady is still alive and always does this) every day to hear her husband’s voice repeat “mind the gap”.

Me, on the other hand, was on the subway, and at a certain point I hear but above all in addition to hearing I understand “Westminster”. I look up and we really are there, and really people are getting off. So all happy I smile under the mask, happy with this new voice and with little progress.

All very happy I also thank the jubilee line which is my favorite and I feel happy to be on the London underground and not to have taken the poor man

Then I send a message to her husband with the following tenor: “but that in the subway there is the voice that says the name of the stations ?.”.

In short, it is always better to be sure that you have understood than to delude yourself.