Save the date

The month of February is very special for me. Despite being the shortest month there is (as the rhyme on the months they taught us in kindergarten said) it has two important anniversaries for me. February 25 “World Cochlear Implant Day” and February 28 “World Rare Disease Day”.

I’d say two that aren’t peanuts, huh…

I can’t say which of the two is more important, I know that the rare disease “gave” me the cochlear implant. But it’s not like they get along very well. There was a time when the rare disease hadn’t been diagnosed yet, there wasn’t a cure that would make me feel better and this meant that my cochlear implant didn’t work perfectly…in short, my acoustic nerve didn’t think about it at all having to deal with a bionic ear.

Yesterday, after some time, I went to have the system checked. Engineering checks, hearing tests, sound adjustments.

I must say that it is even funny in some ways. But when you’re there and they turn off the system for the checks…well…the silence. absolute. Sometimes it’s not that pleasant. I prefer the noise and din.

Frankly, I didn’t even do without these two days to remember, especially the one at the plant. In short, I thought that just enduring a rare disease was enough.

Yesterday, however, with the check, a new map was made for me (this is the name of those parameters that are recorded on the processor and which are the sounds that are adapted to me to hear the sounds) and I was almost moved there. I heard clear after a long time, without much external interference. This is because the medicines have stabilized me, and therefore the acoustic nerve is also calm. Futtitinne for superstition always and in any case.

Now let’s focus on reactivating my metabolism. Let’s see what happens