
Today was a strange day, in some ways hectic … today I said “goodbye” to the house we live in …
I helped my husband pack his bags, I took some of my things and moved in with my parents.
he leaves… not in the sense that he leaves me, but in the sense that he goes to work in another city, in another country that will soon no longer even be in the European Union.
When I thought about this moment, apart from a little bit of sadness, to leave your things, I was all happy and excited at the idea of this so important life change, to start a new phase of our life together, to change and start from scratch …
and instead??? deaf, with perfect timing … he leaves and I stay here, waiting for the surgery, waiting for the implant, waiting for rehabilitation … in short, in a waiting line …
he at the airport, me in the hospital ..
I have now learned not to plan, not to make plans … so much of the ones I had then in the end I don’t even know if someone really came true …
or maybe they did happen but in a completely crazy way and without any sense?
in short, it is not that among the projects that you think you have as a child or even as an adult, there is that of becoming deaf … or rather, politically correct to lose hearing as a result of a severe hearing loss …
well … I don’t understand it nothing more …. but at least the passport is valid.