Nurse Path

Here I am to tell of my meeting with Nurse Path, the refinement and the look of Madame Adelaide from “The Aristocats” combined with the crooked legs and the funny irony of the Notary Georges Hautecourt.

But as usual, let’s go in order. And it will take a while to understand this new adventure of the SordaMaldestra.

Yesterday I do the control tests of the INR (that is the blood clotting, which I have to check often because of the thrombosis). I’m going all calm to take exams, by now I know the nurses at Guy’s. I do the withdrawal, greeting and go home quietly. Usual morning, remote work, lunch at three and 45 I have a speech therapy session .. everything goes smoothly.

15:44 call the doctor that INR is at 8.8 (the maximum is 3 so my blood is too fluid and not good at all, because at 9 you can take a picture). I see her husband bleaching … and he goes “ok … Yes … sure … ok..thank you”: .. (I think he’s stupid). He attacks and tells me that INR is skyrocketing that the doctor wants us to go to the emergency room immediately, that we must not waste time …. I very calmly say that I have to take vitamin K so much (it had already happened to me) and tomorrow retake the exams, just go to the pharmacy. “NO”, reiterates her husband. “The doctor said first aid. Let’s go.” What about my speech therapy lesson ??? “send her back”.

and how do you want the SordaMaldestra to go to visit the emergency room in London as well?

16:00 with her husband in panic and fear who looks at me constantly and checks me we go to the Guy’s and despite the fact that I tell him that the emergency room is not there, he is convinced that they will let me in anyway. We arrive at Guy’s where obviously there is no emergency room and they tell us to go to St. Thomas. This lost looking for an Uber … I cross the street and go to the taxi stand. (I took a taxi for the first time in London … they are very clean and spacious … great I would say).

16.30 you arrive at St. Thomas. Emergency room. Acceptance with a nurse who asks what you need and records you, measures your blood pressure, fever and gives you the number and the form with your data to fill out. After ten minutes they call you with that number at the counter, where they register you. Now you have to wait for them to call you to enter.

And there … thinking about the hours spent waiting I think I will never have enough battery in the phone, that we will stay here all night … I think of the doctor who sent us here when the vitamin was enough …

17.10 we are there in the waiting room … thinking about a lot of things I could do … I see the husband who jumps to his feet and makes me .. “they called us. Let’s go” …. I don’t believe it! we follow nurse and enter a clean emergency room … with new stretchers, nurses smiling at you … it seems to me another world. All super modern. We go into a box and wait, like, ten minutes. The doctor comes. He introduces himself, he asks me everything, I can understand even if he is deaf …. He goes to talk to his manager and then comes back. he explains everything and tells me that he will give me vitamin K and then I will go home, but the next day to come back for the check inr.

18:00 and here is NURSE PATH: Here comes this wonderful lady, with her white hair pulled up with her light blue uniform, makeup, and crooked legs. Madame Adelaide as I said above. And with vitamin K in hand. She looks at me and I smile at her, she looks at her husband and says “but is she deaf or is she stupid ???” …. the husband remains motionless … and she “are you deaf too ???” …. I see that he bursts out laughing … Then the nurse Path looks at me and says: “Vitamin K can be taken by mouth, in the vein, or … well … you’re lucky. It’s by mouth” … I have folded. I swear … I didn’t know where to look. I loved it. Then I take the vitamin … she looks at me and goes “yes you need some water … I’ll go get you a glass” … And nothing brings me the water that I was still laughing and just missing I spit everything for earth … the husband did not even know what to do. Then he looks at us and greets us.

6:30 pm After Nurse Path, the doctor who double-checked me and examined me and gave me the papers, we leave the ER. I am incredulous for the speed, kindness and everything else I do not know what to think … I am appalled. But not so much dazed to realize that the C10 (the bus) is passing in front of them and it is the bus that stops under the house. They tug at her husband, take a light jog and take the shifter (which here are certainly not shifters). The only drawback of the C10 is that it is not two floors.

19:00 home

Today’s adventure continues … even better I would say.

8:15 this morning we are already in the emergency room, we enter, then acceptance and then she calls us a nurse (obviously we went with the C10).

8:35 we arrive inside the box. A nurse arrives and introduces herself, then another nurse brings a chair to her husband, then she asks us if we want a coffee, water, or something else (but I would like to ask her for a croissant … but I avoid) .

9:00 Speaking with the doctor, explained the whole situation, he tells me that they will most likely take a blood sample, and I will have to wait an hour and a half for the results and then they will send me home (because everything should be fine, having taken the vitamin k). In the meantime, the reassured husband goes to work and I stay there, safe, quiet, waiting for

9:20 withdrawal. And I have done so many … but I have not felt anything. I thought he was touching my arm, the nurse had already done the sample. Now you have to wait that hour and they are also sorry to wait.

10:30 The report arrived, everything in the norm, already talked to the doctor who explained everything to me, and told me everything and by myself I managed to communicate (sometimes I had to repeat myself that these speak fast anyway) … In short, I can go out and go home.

11:10 am I’m home. I took the C10 again but I had to wait 12 minutes instead of 6/8 because from 10 to 15 the frequency of the races is reduced.

Now what did I learn from this Sordamaldestra thing?

Thanks to Nurse Path I realized that I seem dumb more than normal if I’m silent and maybe I’m afraid to say things .. instead I have to take courage even if deaf.

I realized that there are no things that I cannot do when deaf, but that it takes me more time. I realized that I have a husband that is too anxious and that here they are scrupulous and meticulous but it was enough to go to the pharmacy and take vitamin K, not the emergency room.

I understand that I’m going to call the bus system to put the double-decker C10.