Not just rouge noir…

And here we and here we are, on a Saturday, giving us nail polish. I can’t brush my hair …
Clearly it is not the beautician’s manicure, obviously the left hand came out better than the right hand, without any doubt it is smudged and not precise … but it is always red nail polish! what the hell.
So my theories on glazes are based on a color, or rather a shade that you can always wear, in summer or winter, that never goes out of fashion, that is never vulgar (at least for me), in short, the rouge noir.
But then there are variations on the theme, perhaps for a particular event, to change, because in the summer we also want a nice bright red, or simply for no reason …
here is my variation on the theme… this color, n. 765 chanel, of course.
I have to say that even dior enamel is very beautiful, or in any case it does not get damaged, the brush is large and therefore the smlato can be spread easily (for impeded ones like myself).
Then on the variations, driven by enthusiasm, I also bought some colors that I gave myself once, looked at the result and immediately took acetone.
It seems to me two years ago that I bought a green nail polish during the Christmas holidays.
So assuming that I love green, forest green or in any case that intense dark green.
And I thought, poor fool, that the enamel had the same tone … it was actually a fir green! beautiful just in the Christmas theme but unwatchable!
Another time I bought a shade on orange for the summer … here, considering that I hardly ever get a tan a color that becomes reddish), that enamel was like a highlighter on a white sheet … it was not unwatchable, it was just ridiculous.
But it is nice to vary, to change, to try … in short, otherwise you know how boring.
I like today to have given myself the polish, it reminds me of my life before all this mess … it makes me think, even smiling, how important certain things were, which today have taken on a different value … it’s not that they are not important … But it is I who see them with different eyes. I’ve changed? I don’t think so, it’s not for me to say … but the people around me can express an opinion.
For the moment I like to think that I have changed my perspective, to also look at things I did not know … to try everything, because you can never know …
a bit like with glazes … all colors must be tried, even to find the one that’s right for you, but above all to try … and here Forrest’s joke comes spontaneously: “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what can happen to you “.