My obsession for Skin Care

My obsession with skincare, or “La mia fissa per la cura della pelle,” is taking a bad turn.
It all started back in the summer of 2014 when I had a severe case of hives on my legs. Since then, I’ve been paying close attention to the ingredients in products. I remember having to wash with rice starch (like for babies) and searching for linen or cotton clothing (thankfully, it was summer, so I managed with a few dresses).
Since then, I’ve also been paying attention to facial products. During the most acute phase of my illness and during my hospital stays, I always had my creams with me. I even bought a jade roller (I wrote an article about it) because it was very relaxing, and I needed something to occupy my time while in the hospital bed.
In early 2022, after finishing chemotherapy (aside from a small relapse requiring cortisone shots), I started trying to improve my appearance, starting with my facial skin, as that was the most urgent concern at the time. I took care of my hair right away, using supplements and undergoing reconstruction (they’re decent now, although I still usually keep them tied up).
Next was my skin and under-eye circles. I didn’t want to look sicker than I actually was. I started with masks, treatments, and then creams. Now, I’m fixated on serums, which I find very practical. Most of them have a gentle composition that doesn’t leave the skin oily and provides freshness.
Special attention is given to the eye area. Sunscreen creams aren’t enough, so I use patches (fantastic for reducing puffiness). I alternate between two types of eye creams to prevent the skin from getting too accustomed to one and having less effect. I also started taking supplements, such as collagen. I prefer marine collagen that can be dissolved in water rather than the tablet form (I’m currently trying a new one, so we’ll see how it goes). I take it for a month, then stop, and then start again.
Concealers also help with under-eye circles, and I use two different shades. Liquid concealers are my favorite, and some of them even have healing properties.
After this splendid list, I must admit that I’m 43 years old and feeling a bit like a wreck. I’m trying to get myself back on track. However, my mascara always smudges (I can’t understand why).
PS: I asked my doctor if I could undergo some “targeted stimulation for the eye area,” but she didn’t even look at me and said, “Absolutely not.” And then I thought to myself, “It’s better to keep my antibodies calm and not cause too much trouble.”