My letter to Santa Claus

As a tradition , this year too (obviously late) I’m writing a letter to Santa Claus.
Also this year a bank transfer would be appreciated, but other material goods are also fine, after all I have always been a “material Girl” with my old age I also appreciate a good Gin, or something else…now that we I think, it’s still “material”…
I can’t help it, that’s how I am.
Now then I feel a little bad, thinking about last year. I was in Italy and not in the hostile country (I’d say a plus for last Christmas). But I was still doing chemo (plus this Christmas). I was fat and swollen with cortisone (equality between the two births).
I could go on and on nostalgically, also because yesterday, during the speech therapy lesson, Cate (my super speech therapist) and I started talking about weddings, travel… and so this morning I thought back to when I was fine, at last photos before the disease … especially those in which the ear was still there. (and unfortunately deafness is that thing that will never go down on me…obviously I get used to it and maybe one day I will accept it as well)…
so, going back to the nostalgic thread, I must say that this morning I was gripped a lot … I looked at the photo on instagram and on facebook … then I said to myself ..
“hey but now, as long as I’m fine, and then I’ll do the things from before again, you know…doesn’t the fact that I have a cochlear implant scare me?”…I could even venture a disco night…indeed, I should try to see what effect real music has, to dance with the ear…
anyway, mind you, not even before then did you understand anything in the disco…
however, going back to the letter to Santa Claus, I left with a bit of melancholy (due to the fact that business plans and other projects all have to be reviewed these days….then I started writing and I forgot about the melancholy and thought to another. (apart from the climate in the hostile country). so I go on:
” dear Santa, I apologize for the delay of my letter, I know you are very busy but I know that you will also read my letter, and some elves will get a little angry because I talk too much and in the end I waste time.
I’m not sure what gift I would like for this Christmas, I’ve always been a material person… but nothing in particular comes to mind (or rather, many things come to mind that I eventually plan to buy over time). As for health requests, well being etc… well… there too… after cycles of chemo such as immunosuppressant therapy (I haven’t had cancer but I did 7 sessions of chemo), cortisone, relapses , reactivation and maintenance therapy (double because only one was not enough) … I would say that we can skip this topic.
so dear curious elf who peeks to read, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas… well, yes, let’s say that in the end this letter is not a request for a gift, but a wish for a merry Christmas.
And if I really have to express a request, it is the following: dear Santa Claus, don’t make me gain ten kilos in these ten days of vacation. With love. Sordamaldestra”
For the uninitiated, the postal service is free…Just write the following address: Santa Claus, Santa Claus lane, North Pole.