Mismatched socks

The first Friday of February is World Mismatched Sock Day. From an idea of a primary school teacher from Friuli, to raise awareness of diversity.
But do we really have to remember that we are different? Or it serves to sensitize “the others, that is the normal ones” to treat us, the others, the different in a polite and nice way.
I am different because I am deaf. I went deaf at the age of forty from meningitis. But then the title of a film “other than who” comes to mind.
To be precise, I have always felt different. Not to be conceited or self-centered, far from it. Strange things happened to me even before, I was still clumsy. Now I’m also deaf, so sordamaldestra is more appropriate.
Deaf. It is difficult to make a hearing person understand what it means to be deaf and how sounds are perceived. At the same time, I believe that a person born deaf but equipped with a cochlear implant (like me) still has a different perception of sounds than a hearing person. At least for me it is.
My diversity then lies in the fact that I am deaf and that’s it. I have an autoimmune disease (the deafness was caused by a reaction from my immune system which had gone crazy). I live with immunosuppressants controls and therapies. My system has attacked the ear, where hearing is, but also the center of balance. Now goodbye to heels (I rediscovered flats and all FLAT shoes), but you can’t explain the “swinging” sensation I always have…much less strong than before.
My shins are taking the worst effect, but still I end up with nice bruises all over the place. But having had a thrombosis in the brain and therefore having to thin the blood to avoid leaving the photograph, the bruises never heal … but it is difficult to explain the above, so in the end clumsy is just fine.
I put on odd socks today, I made my husband put them on too, just to laugh. in conclusion. It doesn’t scare me to be different,
I don’t feel that different, but just someone who can do things like everyone else but at different times. I’m immersed in a new, different muffled world… maybe not muffled, but where the sounds have a different feel than before.
Just my perception. I realized that I used the word “different” a little too often.
Unmatched socks are fun though. They remind me of Pippi Longstocking. How much I liked it.