Mimosa cake

For a someone as glutton as I am the mimosa that really counts is the cake and certainly not the flowers, and I must admit that in this regards the husband has been very good.
As far as Women’s Day is concerned, beyond the usual commonplaces, such as “it’s a commercial holiday” or “women should always be celebrated”, especially during this day I like to think about women who have made a difference.
You must know that in Italy we have masculine and feminine nouns, but not for everything, or at least some masculine nouns are used in place of their feminine counterpart.
For example I am a lawyer, which in Italy is translated to “Avvocato”. This is the masculine form, but the feminine also exists and it is “Avvocatessa”, which is rarely used.
This has caused a bit of controversy in recent times but I frankly believe it to be just a “placebo argument” which do not really make any sense and distract from the real matters.
Rita Levi Montalcini, or Marie Curie certainly did not have these problems, because they were busy studying and making a real difference.
Once at a congress a lady asked Rita if she too was there to see her husband. Rita’s response was “I am the husband”.
Or when a reporter asked Marie what it was like to be married to a genius she replied; “Ask my husband” ”.
In addition to the anecdotes, there are women of fine and acute intelligence who have made a difference. It is said that behind a great man there is always a great woman … well, what a pity she is behind.
It would be nice to be in the front row instead… maybe eating a mimosa cake, but a single portion.
After all the diet is still important…