Measurement and control

Meaurement and control. How difficult it is to measure and control oneself but not in general. The measure and control I am talking about refers to food. To me who are greedy, always hungry and at this moment I justify myself by saying that the fault of my atavistic hunger is cortisone, that I am sick, that I have to eat ….
I am taking a course to find the best justification, which does not make me feel too guilty … no, but then I say, can I really do this ???
and here are two fundamental points, at least for me.
First point: unfortunately I am sick and unfortunately I am hungry. For the health of my liver (already tried by all drugs) I should be careful. In this case my mind is fully aware of “healthy food” and my diet tries to follow this line. Serious, willing and right version of food that is good for you and helps metabolism, digestion and eliminates toxins.
Point two: unfortunately I am sick and unfortunately I am hungry. So I eat what I want, junk food. The peanuts, the fries, the sweets, a little fruit every now and then. Just because I remember when I was sick, when I could not eat anything and the pain had taken possession of me, without leaving me alone. A version where you need to eat and be hungry for self-esteem.
Finding yourself in front of these two versions is not so easy, considering also that my mother tells me to eat that I have to recover, but don’t eat too much bread that you get diabetes, and in any case don’t eat too many sweets and you should drink more. The classic advice of mothers, or at least mine does so, and it creates more confusion than anything else.
But how do you manage and find the right fit? question that will never find an answer, as everyone does as he wants, everyone tries to find his own compromise and in general I don’t have the slightest desire to even think about food … or rather, I think about food because I have hungry, but not to regulate itself.
Let’s go through this transition period between one treatment and another, let’s see what happens.
But without too many mental turns or too many observations or anything else.
After all, it is still carbohydrates.