The monkey relentlessy

Today I would like to tell this story.
Once upon a time there was a little monkey relentlessy. He lived in the jungle with his whole family and never stopped. He always ran up and down, he went to find his friends, he went around venturing beyond the highest branches of the trees to always discover new horizons. It never stood still. And he always smiled. She ran, laughed, greeted everyone, even the most poisonous snake that teased her and even the spider that bit her every now and then … in short, everyone, without exception. And even though she was tired from this great running, at the end of the day she was all happy for those things she had done.
His closest friends were a sugar glider and a beautiful butterfly. Then there were the tiger and a giraffe, the lion and the panther. The elephant and the owl.
With them he could run through the branches, jump and play hide and seek.
But one day the little monkey while he was running around among the trees in search of new adventures fell from a branch and flew down. He made a bad fall. The branch had snapped so suddenly. Then immediately the monkey mother and her friends came to see what had happened.
And at a certain point, while the little monkey was sitting there quietly with the tear on his face, the butterfly looked at it and said: “Oh well, that’s a nice big bump”. Then the little monkey turned to the glider and said: “but you are pretty even with a bump”.
The little monkey relentlessly went home and saw himself in the mirror. But it was really big, this bump, right there, on the right, on the forehead. A nice bump. Which grew more and more. The monkey woke up every morning and looked in the mirror, and saw it there, that bump did not want to disappear.
And the little monkey was relentlessly ashamed to go out, he didn’t want to be seen even by his friends, let alone by those bad guys of the snake and the spider. No new adventures. She with that ugly bump was no longer so beautiful and felt sad next to the butterfly. She could no longer run among the branches with the sugar gliders, because that ugly bump did not make her see the branches well.
And the little monkey stopped without stopping. She was sad and sometimes cried, she wanted to be alone. But with patience and courage the monkey’s family always gave him courage. The butterfly always visited her and the sugar glider never left her alone. He played tricks on him, brought him the fruits he found in the forest.
And then one day the little monkey tried to get out of its den, took a step and saw that it could stand even with the bump. The next day he tried to take a walk, the third day he tried to jump.
She didn’t know it, but all her friends were hiding there to see what she was doing, there was the glider, the butterfly, the tiger and the giraffe, the lion and the panther. The elephant and the owl. And far away there were also the snake and the spider. Everyone hid them to see what happened.
And then the monkey relentlessly saw a ray of sunshine. There he hid it coming deep into the forest, in front of her. And I think it was so beautiful to see, that she could do it to go a little higher in the branches and see the clouds, maybe even see the sky, which she missed so much. But he was afraid of falling again, of getting hurt so much and having to give it all up again. And he went back into the house.
All curled up in a corner she was very small. Then he heard noises coming from outside. It was the laughter of his friends, their voices lost in the branches in the forest.
And the little monkey relentlessy got up, went to the mirror, looked at herself sulkily. She caressed that bump that was not going away now and that was part of her and went out. And she saw all her friends waiting for her to go explore.
And the little monkey relentlessy ran back and forth always, to find his friends, to venture beyond the highest branches of the trees and to always discover new horizons.