
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing tableware with gold (even with silver or gold-plated lacquer). 

When a vase breaks, the golden repair creates a more precious object than the original, thanks to the precious materials used.

In my case, I compare myself to the vase – I am broken, but instead of gold doctors used a cochlear implant, which is not made with precious materials but it costs at least as much.

In any case, I am not repaired at all, as I am still sick.

What a masterpiece!

Everybody tells me that I am young and I should care about the quality of my life and so on, but in the end I feel doctors are trying to be nice and make a good impression when they say that to me, but without a solution that’s pretty much it.

I have learnt to listen to my body and I can tell what is good for me and what is not.

Perhaps I should be treated with quicksilver and maybe I would really become like a precious bowl.