It’s Nothing

“It’s Nothing” … how many times have we said, affirmed, whispered. Me a lot, and most of the time it wasn’t true.
Now, as a deaf person, I realize how much it hurts to be told “it’s nothing”.You are there, concentrated, trying to understand and you are told “it’s nothing”, it doesn’t matter. That’s not true, it matters and a lot too.
First because it’s said, and second because I’m trying to hear, so I have to understand.
You feel even more excluded.
Then speaking of deafness, I discovered yesterday that September 19 was the world day of the deaf. Here, let’s say that I arrive soon enough on this news, I could do the standard-bearer in short.
Then today the doctor increased my cortisone (I had lowered it a week ago) and everyone said “and it’s nothing”. But for you maybe it will be nothing, for me that I have to take it instead it means a lot … because I had come to reduce the doses, and soon convinced that I could stop .. and instead I have to take it back.
In short, this sentence is really unpleasant to me, and also a lot.
I do not find the sense .. it will be that today is Monday and I am also tired, plus the hearing does not improve, or so it seems to me.
s it true, should we go ahead and pretend it’s nothing? but let’s not fool ourselves. Today they turn me around and also a lot, then tomorrow it will pass, it would pass with something from chanel or louis vuitton … but in the absence of this we will make it go by ourselves.
Plus I can’t even let off steam with the food I’m on a diet … well, what a shit life.
But that’s nothing.