Fruit is trendy

I must admit that at this moment in my life fruit is trendy. Or rather, always hungry for cortisone and in any case trying to regulate the sugar intake to my diet (to avoid blood sugar and diabetes as well), I find myself eating fruit.
Becoming a fruitarian? no, but because I love food without distinction of any kind (except boiled egg and liver), and then because I could never give up carbohydrates, meat, fish.
I recognize that in summer there are many varieties of fruit, plums, peaches, apricots, watermelon, melon and I could go on and on, and then I think it helps me a lot to stay in the countryside.
Yes, because in the garden there are fruit trees, and therefore it is easy to leave the house and go and eat, for example, two plums as I just did.
I love this thing of picking directly from the tree, it’s something I’ve always done since I was a child, which reminds me of the carefree summer without school, playing at home and helping to make jams, preserves for the winter that awaited us. To make ants under the guidance of the grandmother and then of the mother.
Now that I am well and in any case better and this treatment works I have found the desire to do things, the memory not marked by nostalgia but by something that can be done again, in a different key, and see if the result changes or is always the same. Let’s say I’m exploring new visions. (I’m not a drug addict eh) and in this sense I can say that fruit is a trend in my diet.
There is no trivial example to which I can refer is just trying to do the things I did before, in a different key.
Because I am deaf, because it is true that there is a protective bubble, but I will also have to get out of this bubble.
Slowly with small bites of fruit … even passion fruit.