Then I don’t feel sick

I don’t feel sick at all … even if it’s my body that reminds me of my condition.

During the holidays I “climbed” on foot on this rock (which I also did last year). This year I climbed with much more agility and fluency … also thanks to the fact that I weigh 15 kg less and not be between one chemo and another.

You start climbing and keep track of the steps, the steps … after 5 minutes you lose count, and you walk without thinking too much. You get to the top and the peace, calm and tranquility that you think of almost nothing.

But I who have the “never taming head” as her husband says, I always think. And these days and in these moments I always think of those who tell you “you must learn to accept your past”, or “you must forgive your past”, “you must be able to learn from what happened to you” …

question, but I have to what ????? what are you kidding me ???? well …. that I should forgive an autoimmune meningitis so absurd and rare that it made me deaf ??? but that you are outside like the gates ????

and here I think of me who am sick, but I do not feel it … people make you feel when they want you to tell them how you are, what you are doing, how your life is going which now appears miserable … but miserable there will be you!

it’s not that I have it with anyone in particular, although I realize that from the tone of my words it would seem the opposite.

The secret is not to make a person feel sick, more sick. That is, you can very well ask me how I am, and I tell you that now I am better, that everything is under control … and then, as I always say, it would serve as a second question “what do you want a drink?” … here, one must be heard at ease (for me a drink always solves).

I don’t feel sick, why do you have to make me feel you are a hypothetical third person? and then what a bore to talk about illnesses and sick people … always the same stories.

Here, not the phrases made by an improvised psychologist, but something that makes you be as you are, as you were before without too many strange speeches.

For completeness and clarity I must say that after the descent we ate …. a nice plate of pasta with truffles was all there and here for the first time I refer to instgram from the blog and not vice versa). Obviously the food, the drinks, the pleasures for me …. then everyone has their own.

I don’t feel so sick.