The Hibernation

The hedgehog has always been my favorite animal for many reasons. One of the many is that it hibernates. It closes itself in its den for the whole winter. Warm, with food, and sleeps.
Now I want to know who doesn’t like this life?
Obviously I’m writing on March 24, having certainly left out a lot of world days and first of all spring. (I avoid entering the date of March 21, because it seems superfluous to me).
I also wanted to do a nice article on the first day of spring, in short, my release from hibernation. I was also getting ready to write, when I opened social media and I was inundated with various comments “welcome spring” “first day of sunshine”… and so on and so forth… and I gave up.
In short, there was nothing new that I could write. Just a trivial mood (not that these articles aren’t, at least not for me, and so whoever finds them trivial… well… I’m rambling as usual…. if one wants to read, otherwise not).
But let’s talk about hibernation. I’m a cold person, I’m not a morning person and I’m basically lazy. I would say that the ideal is precisely to have moved from Italy to London. (there are not enough comments). And I hibernate. Or rather, a kind of lethargy.
In winter I don’t want to go out because it’s cold. I have to put on my coat, hat, scarf… and I always lose something. It’s dark at four in the afternoon, it’s raining, windy and cold. In short, I am less reactive than usual.
And instead with the heat I get up early, I want to do things, to go for a walk, go to drink coffee … you go out with a t-shirt or something light and it’s sunny.
So today, March 24, I decided to start coming out of hibernation… it will be that by now I can smell the scent of flowers, or it will start to get less cold (well, it always rains here).
And sometimes there’s a rainbow