Healthy constitution

In these days, back home, I have had to devote myself to bureaucracy. One of the requirements I found on one form was the following: “the candidate must be of sound constitution”.
I was left with shit. But really. After the first five minutes spent getting even more pissed, trying to understand the reason for this request, I thought maybe there was a real reason behind this request.
In the end I didn’t understand why. The fact is that Sana constitution remained there, in a kind of limbo… a writing on a form staring at me… laughing under his breath and saying…”eh… you’re not healthy constitution. ..look how reduced you are”.
and I looked at the writing and I said…” and that’s fine, I won’t be in good health… but do you want to see that I can do it anyway?”. Obviously it’s not that I’m stupid to talk with writing eh… it was a metaphor to understand the situation.
yesterday then I put on heels. After almost three years…after the disease, the chemo, the scars, the deafness, the precarious balance…I put them on. And I walked and didn’t stagger. sure after a while my feet hurt… but that’s the same as always.
Therefore healthy constitution 0- sordamaldestra 1.
Anyway, I realize it’s very difficult to meet nice people here. In the hostile country, which is not hostile at all, I am amazed at the kindnesses I receive (example… to get on the poor car the men give way to the ladies… here they give you a push to get on earlier). Because here you never get it … we’re not used to it.
In bureaucratic matters I managed to fit a new tattoo, just because you need the odd number and for this year I have three. Next year I’m already thinking about the other two to do.
Now my main enemy is cortisone/deltacortene…unfortunately I’m addicted to cortisone…that is, my illness allows me to feel good if I take cortisone. And cortisone swells, doesn’t make you sleepy, makes you fat…. well… all nice things. Then it also affects me on the “sensitivity” of the system … and therefore on how I can hear …
updates in the next few days … on therapies, deltacortene and bureaucracy.