Happy Birthday

A few days ago it was my birthday. 42.
Doing a brief summary of the last three years (since I’ve been sick) here’s how I spent my birthday:
39 years old at home. The autoimmune disease (headache for everyone at the time) was starting. I had meningitis that blocked me in bed, or rather still on the sofa.
40 years at home. There was a pandemic, they had just discharged me and I thought I was fine, when instead the disease was in remission and soon I would be hospitalized again.
41 hospital. What was supposed to be a two-day hospitalization for investigations turned into a 15-day hospitalization with an attached operation on the meninges in neurosurgery. for now the worst hospitalization ever, in terms of suffering.
and here we are at 42. at least he was at home, not in London but with my parents, I’m fine and I even managed to go out to dinner.
sure that one who reads this stuff gets depressed … as I have been in these days. I had the new maintenance treatment but the pain in my head was always there, always constant … increasing, by now I’m used to it and I recognize it.
However, I realized how much my body does not indulge my will, in short, I want to go out, drink, go to London, resume my work fully (I will write about this soon for the desire to change).
Then I went out (at dinner now that the weather is good outdoors I am even calmer given my immunosuppressed situation). I drank strictly gin-based cocktails.
The great thing is that I received unexpected gifts for my birthday, little gestures and thoughts from loved ones. all those things that in this period also make me tear.
These days cortisone has been reinserted by doctors to avoid pain … now my concern is also to be careful with food to avoid returning to those 75 kg of last year … even if the doses now are crazy compared to the daily bombs they gave me before.
Now we are waiting for the treatment to be fully operational, we are waiting for the check in Milan to see what they say.
However, I ate that cake with cream, strawberries and meringue. Too good
In short, happy birthday, sordamaldestra