Don’t Panic Fourth Dose

The other day I had the fourth dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Don’t Panic does not refer to the fear of the vaccine or to other fears, but obviously to the adventures of sordamaldestra to be able to make the dose. (so I also look drugged and we do not miss anything).

The main premise is that having an autoimmune disease (repetitive I know … but there is). and doing the immunosuppressant therapy and other (repetitive see above) the “time window” (and here how does not make you think of “back to the future” and Doc explaining to Marty how to do with the delorean …. and incidentally I refuse to put any possible link because there is no one who doesn’t know what I’m talking about). for the vaccine to be effective was established by my doctors in the last days of September. Precisely until after September 25th and before the end of the month.

And the adventure begins. I book (around 20 September) through the English health system the appointment (moreover a 5-minute walk from home) for the dose on Monday 26. Online booking, I leave everything in line: Confirmation mail, confirmation sms.

After two days they write to me that my appointment is canceled. I do not understand why. The panic begins at the following statements (and those who know me know that these statements were recited by the undersigned in a very bright tone and with a high tone of voice I would say) “what the fuck of a country is this”, “now I have to go back to Italy , I knew that I had to fix it there “” now how do I do it if they don’t do it I can’t do it anymore “it is not possible to cancel things without explanation” “there will be a toll-free number to call” ….. and in short, let’s say the tones were these.

Then, reassured by her husband that a solution was found, I write to my doctor here to find out what to do.

Obviously a day passes and no one answers and so I continue to rant against who knows what. Then the doctor’s secretary replies by giving me a link (also from the health service) where to register my documentation on the fact that I already have three doses. If there are any problems, contact her.

Panic vanished. I go to the site, make an appointment for Monday 26th and they tell me precisely that I have to bring the passport and the vaccination certificate (I found this on the electronic health record and then also the green pass)

I arrive at the appointment in a very distant area (in reality it is 20 minutes of poor travel so I would say close) to the vaccination center. I explain the situation to the girl at the entrance saying that I have to record the data. She looks at me, kindly, smiles, takes the laptop and we sit in a small room. Passport, vaccination certificate, two technical questions and then after 5 minutes he writes he tells me that I am registered and I can get the vaccine.

my panic: “but now?” and she: “yes, if you want yes, don’t make the reservation but I’ll register. Obviously I accepted, let alone. After 5 minutes I’m in line to take the fourth dose, with the nurse asking me the classic and usual questions. After the vaccine you remain in “observation” for those ten minutes and the volunteer arrives who brings you water, there is a TV in the room, there are other people waiting, all very easy and relaxing.

Don’t panic – fourth dose.

So I finally got the fourth (Moderna) dose, the panic took over me as its usual for my 5 minutes of desperate sclero (I should do an article about my 5 minutes and panic wouldn’t hurt) and then finally things have settled down.

ah, very important thing to go for the 2-story poor-moving vaccine. 42 this time. Obviously I went up high. In short, amusement park style.
