Almond biscuits

When you are sick people come to visit you. When you’re really in pain, with the excruciating pain of not being able to move a muscle you don’t care about anything or anyone. But when you are sick but you are fine (you can at least stand up and interact) then visits are also nice, especially if it is the people who love you who come to visit you.
Here is my aunt, one of my aunts, when she comes to see me she always brings almond biscuits.
Granted that I have never been a fan of this type of cookies, but those of the aunt should be left alone.
In short, I am more for creamy and creamy desserts … not so much for shortcrust pastry or as my friend would say for sideboard desserts (for example pies or apple pies).
Maybe it may be that they remind me of when I was sick (my aunt always wore them), that when I had paresis (jugular thrombosis) and I could not eat anything, those cookies saved me, it will be that they are made with love, or will it be that they are simply good.
However, it is true that you can associate food with positive sensations and memories and also with negative moments eh, God forbid. (if I think back to a plate of pasta eaten in a restaurant, I still feel nauseous).
Since I have always liked these cookies, I had my aunt give me the recipe … well, I tried to make them … result: hard and dry cookies, which if you threw them against the wall you could ruin the wall!
and I say no more!
Here is the recipe, for those who want to try: Almond biscuits
Ingredients: 400 g of flour, 250 g of sugar, 150 g of butter, 3 eggs, 1 sachet of baking powder, almonds or raisins to taste.
Procedure: mix sugar eggs butter. add the flour and almonds. Finally add the baking powder. Form strips of dough about the width of a palm of your hand and the length of the baking sheet. (usually there are two). Bake for twenty minutes at 180 degrees. Once cooked, allow to cool. Then cut the strips to form the classic biscuits with almonds, one and a half centimeters thick.
And Bon Appetit!