10.000,00 steps is a question of balance

10.000,00 steps are what you should take a day to stay fit. I don’t know if it’s a myth or a scientific truth. The fact is that taking those steps was very difficult for me, because it is about balance.
I’m not talking about inner balance (inner peace, Zen philosophies and everything else) for which other articles would be needed, I’m talking about balance in the true sense of the word, that is, being able to stand upright, walk naturally without falling or swinging to the right. or left.
Now I don’t know if everyone knows but the ear as described above depends on sight, on the brain that controls everything and on the ear. We are in balance because our vestibular system works. If the inner ear is inflamed, or you suffer from hearing loss, well … the situation is more complicated.
And what’s the matter with the sordamaldestra?
so considering that I had meningitis, that I suffer from fluctuating hearing loss, that I am deaf (even if I have a cochlear implant) … let’s say that walking was not easy. Or rather, start walking again.
Recovering from meningitis I had to walk. Balance returns over time and with some targeted exercises by the physiotherapist. For the rest you walk. Step by step. So my daily habit is to walk. As much as possible and preferably in the plains.
The goal of 10,000.00 steps that always seemed very far to me is now near, and I can walk without fatigue. Obviously the saddest thing about when I “rocked” was having to give up heels. I had to buy sneakers too !!!!!
Now I walk better, but will all these steps help? so I looked up and found a lot of applications on the “walk we reward you” genre.
I downloaded WEWARD. It works very well (connected to Google fit). The basic principle is that you walk, the app counts your steps and then converts them into WARD for you. The conversion, which takes place with a simple click, I put it with an app alert in the evening, before going to sleep.
With wards you can have discounts, make donations. There are partners who give prizes. In short, an excellent choice and above all you are encouraged to walk more and more. The more you walk, the more ward, the more rewards.
Now the 10,000.00 daily steps are no longer so many and do not seem so insurmountable or unattainable.
As always, it is a question of balance, but this time I have to put my heels back on.
I need it.