It looked like a simple park

During my days in London, I came across this park, or rather what looked like a simple park.

But let’s go in order.

The sordamaldestra is immunosuppressed. I’m here in London in between therapy. so with my white blood cells which are like water in the desert.

So unfortunately armed with an FFp2 mask even outdoors, I had to avoid crowded places, the subway, the splendid red double-decker buses.

and I found myself walking here, in the neighborhood, taking walks and discovering new places and places.

So I discovered borough market, and all the restaurants, shops, the coffee cloister, the tower of london … in short, walk walk the average was that of 5 km a day.

But my best thing was to cross this park, the one in the photo, to leave the house and go around. I find it so romantic, very English style … super green lawn, clean, benches, the apse of a church … so cute that I often stopped to drink coffee in peace.

and just yesterday, while sipping my coffee, I turn around and see stone sarcophagi everywhere. Then on the right a small obelisk and I start to think … “but look how strange” … then intrigued I go to wikipedia to see the church of Santa Maria Maddalena but I can not find anything … then I think of the binomial church-meadow, church – sarcophagus, and I come to the conclusion that this park was in the end a cemetery!

I did not find any news about it on social media, so I started looking, in a very respectful way, for some writing on some grave, but nothing …

Then my fantasy, combined with my archaeological vein, immediately thought of the mystery of the Templars, almost as if I were in Nicolas Cage’s film, thinking that maybe at any moment someone would come out somewhere …

Nobody came out, in the end, and luckily for my heart, I risked a heart attack.

And anyway this, which looked like just a simple park, in my opinion hides some secrets ….

I will try …. new adventures.