What perfume are you ?

What perfume are you, almost as if asking what your distinctive trait is.

It doesn’t have a unique scent, I like to try many, to change. My absolute favorite is still coco mademoiselle, but I’ve tried and bought many. Then there was the one who slept with two drops of n. 5 and didn’t end well, so I’d say sleep in my pajamas and put on perfume to go out.

The perfume is almost like a photographic memory, I associate it with sad or beautiful moments, with happy and rebellious periods of my life … in short, every perfume has accompanied me in a certain period.

Then there are those that you can’t stand, for example, I don’t like those that are too sweet and the smell already makes you think of something negative.

When you are deaf you realize that the other four senses develop much more than before … and speaking of perfumes I would say that the sense of smell is king.

For example chanel riviera is very good. It reminds me of the moments in my illness when I was fine, when I went out and gave myself perfume.

Narciso Rodriguez “For Her” reminds me of the single years, when I was crazy and the guy of the moment really liked this perfume. I would say carefree and happy moments.

Now I have to try Miss Dior. I don’t know what I could associate it with.

I had tried with Chanel n. 19, because it could have been the scent of healing but it did not fully satisfy me.

I’ll try with Dior, let’s see, maybe I have some interesting surprises in store.

In reality then I am not healed … I am always sick. The disease is regressing, decreasing and the doctor was very happy with the MRI and the results. However, another round of therapy is needed.

I don’t want to think about it, I prefer to play with perfume, with smells and enjoy these days before the next infusion (because afterwards I won’t be so good).

So in the meantime let’s go on … then who knows which one I will find, after all it’s always fun to go shopping.